
Table of Contents (Online Help)



To do a Bank Reconciliation you must receive the period bank statement, from your banker, which lists the activity in the bank account during the reconciling period.

When you receive the bank statement for a particular account, verify that the amounts on the bank statement are consistent or compatible with the amounts in the Loan Performer bank account and vice versa.

Loan Performer allows you to do this through a series of steps.  

How to do a Bank Reconciliation

To get to this menu you go to Accounts->Bank Reconciliation->Reconcile and a screen like the one below shows up:

Click on the Next button to continue and a screen like the one below shows up:

Note that  you will not be able to save the reconciliation until this figure has been reconciled down to zero.

Add transactions: Incase there are some missing transaction that fall within the reconciliation period, click on the Add transactions button Add transactions menu will appear and you can select the transactions that need to be added as seen below:

Click the Save button to save the reconciliation and the Bank Reconciliation statement will be displayed as follows:

Note that if you want the accounts to be updated, you have to print the report.

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