
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Transfer Group Member(s) from one Group to Another

The report on transferred group members, displays all clients who were transferred from one group to another during a given period.

This report is capable of displaying selected client details as displayed on the dialog box.

How to Transfer Group Member(s) from one Group to Another

To Transfer Group Member(s) from one Group to Another you go to Clients/Transfer Group Member(s) from one Group to Another. A screen like one below appears:

Click on the menu Transfer members from one group to another under the Clients module.

Note that

1. Before you can be able to view the report on Transferred Group Members, you should have transferred group members under Transfer Group Member(s) from one Group to Another.

2. Though this report doesn't give the reasons why a group member was or is transferred these are some of the reasons why a group member will be transferred from one group to another.

3. A group member will have over time moved from one location to another within the jurisdiction of the MFI's program, such client can change groups.

4. A group may have a borrowing limit than another yet its members have out grown that limit such members can be transferred.

5. A group may face dissolution yet the members want to continue with the MFI such members can be transferred to other groups to continue with the MFI's programs.

6. A group member can also request for a transfer to another group for various reasons of convenience.

7. A group may split as a result of growth in membership and form a second one some members can be transferred to the second group.

In the transfer to group:

Note that

1. A group member having an outstanding loan balance cannot be transferred but will be transferred if the outstanding is cleared!

2. The old group will have a record of ending membership while the new group will show the record of the new membership with a new membership number.

3. When the savings are tracked at group member level (see System/Configuration/Savings) the member is transferred with his savings accounts balances.

4. If the new group has no savings account for the same product, the account for that product is automatically created and credited with the transferred member's savings balances. The savings balances of the old group are debited with the same amount. 

5. You can view the report on transferred members under Clients/Clients' Reports/Report on Transferred Group Members


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