
Table of Contents (Online Help)



License file contains your organization's name, abbreviation of this name, contact person, office address, contact telephone and fax numbers, your branch code and the number of simultaneous users required by your branch. You can see the details of your license under System Configuration/LPF License Details. The screen is similar to the one below:

You can also see the license details under the menu Help file/About us


1. If your organization has several branches and the data entry is done separately, you can update a central database and get consolidated reports on the organization’s performance by importing data from all the various branch databases. You need to have a corporate license. Database consolidation is done under the menu System/Consolidate Branch Databases.

2. Before a consolidated database is created, the supervisor has to make sure that general settings at system configuration, support files and chart of accounts exactly match for all branches. This check should be done regularly; otherwise it can create consistency problems with the importation of the data. For further information, see the topic Corporate Database.

3. Note: If you were using a demo version of Loan Performer, all the data will be preserved and the demo branch codes will be updated with the registered branch codes once you purchase the license.

4. The Loan Performer license is supplied as a zipped file. You need winzip to extract it. If you do not have it installed on your machine, go to the website www.winzip.com.

5. Before running the license, make sure that nobody else is working with Loan Performer when you do this. Also ensure that Loan Performer is installed on the machine on which the database is located (Server).

6. The validity of the license file, in most circumstances, is limited to one year. This corresponds to the annual fees that Crystal Clear Software Ltd charges. Before the license expires, you will have to make sure that you process the fees for the next year and get a new license file. Otherwise Loan Performer will start up in guest mode and you will not be able to enter any more transactions. A reminder message about license expiry begins to display 30 days before actual expiry date.

7. Please read our End User License Agreement (EULA).

How to license an LPF database

To get the license, you have to contact Crystal Clear Software Ltd. Copy and paste the license file in the Loan Performer installation directory i.e C:\LPF817. The screen is similar to the one below:

Double-click on the license file, the following screen appears:

Select the language of your choice e.g "English"

Contact Information:

You can order for your license from;

Crystal Clear Software Ltd;

P.O.Box 7463 Kampala,

Uganda,Phone: +256-0414-231-739,

Fax: 256-041-233-644

e-mail to ccs@infocom.co.ug

or visit Loan Performer website on www.loanperformer.com


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